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Breeding is simple. 
Just breed your dragons and you get points.


You get 1 point per 20 tokens spent 

and 20 points per 1 fragment spent. 

The fragments are found in the incubator when you are not incubating a egg.



Are your Incubator or castle upgrading?


One of the big issues with the breeding event is if you have not upgraded your incubator or breeding castle. Make sure to always do this in time. 
If your breeding castle or incubator (or both) are upgrading during the event, dont Worry. You can still get points in the event without speeding it up. 

Go in to the event. Press About in the menu. And press Go to breeding

Now you are in the breeding castle. 
To be able to use your egg fragments if your incubator is upgrading-
Press the egg you want to use fragments on. Remember that the egg needs to have atleast one fragment on it before you can do this. 
When you have pressed the egg you will get the option Add 1 fragment



We strongly suggest that you follow a breeding path. Good ones are found at the following places







If you need eggs for reserch or the builders hut you can find a good guide for it here:



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