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King of the Hill



This event is a 2 phrase event:



The first phase


This is the treasure hunting phase, you can get chests by doing battles.




The second phase


This is the battle phase.

The chest will continue to drop in the fights in this phase as well



Siege weapons and Barricades


There is special items in this event called Siege weapons and Barricades


The Siege weapons are used to give you more points when attacking. 
They last for different times and if pressing for example the Basic twice you do not get 20% boost. Pressing it twice does so the time it is active becomes longer 

-Basic-10% for 15 minutes
-Rare-50% for 30 minutes
-Epic-100% for 70 minutes
So totally you can get up to 160% for 70 minutes 




When your team has conquered a fortress you can add Barricades to it. 

You get them in bronze and gold chests



The officers should mark the targets on who you should attack and barricade





Start by clicking a fortress to access the list of opponents in the team (or the virtual team Blackbloods)

When doing a fight you pay energy.

The first fight on a opponent costs 4 energy. 
After that you can do virtual attacks (you do not need to fight just press the button and get points)

The attacks costs

4 for the first actual attack
1 for the first virtual
2 for the 2nd virtual
3 for the 3rd virtual 
5 for the 4th virtual
8 for all following virtual ones



Check out the course on King of the Hill on wardragons Academy!

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